
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 

Matthew 19:14 

At First UMC Newton, we’re not just watching children grow up, we’re “Loving all people into a relationship with Jesus Christ.” As a church family, we’re committed to lovingly nurturing the faith of children so that they can grow in their relationship with Jesus. We believe faith is a lifelong journey, and we’re seeking to plant the seeds of faith that God will grow in the lives of our littlest ones. We believe that the heart of child-like faith is the example Jesus gave us as his disciples. Cherishing the joy and curiosity of children helps us all to grow in our love of Jesus together. 


Kids For Christ

Wednesdays 3:30pm-5:15pm

Kids for Christ is our Wednesday afterschool program open to all children in grades K-5th. We gather in the Youth Activity Room (entrance off N. Ashe Ave.) every Wednesday for a snack, Bible lesson, games, and crafts. We follow the schedule of Newton-Conover City Schools and Catawba County Schools: if school is out on a Wednesday, Kids For Christ does not meet. Church bus transportation is provided from South Newton Elementary School to First UMC. 
Sundays 9:00am and 10:30am.

Following the example of Christ, First UMC welcomes children of all ages and their families in worship. Our Children’s Ministry Assistant is available during both worship services to greet children and help them to engage in worship with interactive Worship Bags filled with crayons, toys, and Children’s Worship Bulletins.