How it all started...
The first Newton Methodist Church building was of simple design (black and white image to the right). The wood frame building consisted of one room, with two front doors and the altar in between. The lumber and the labor were donated by the townspeople. In 1867, the church had a library of over 100 books. Reading was taught to men and women members. Lessons were held in basic education as well as Bible study. The location of the church was on Brady Avenue, located at the edge of East View Cemetery.
On March 25, 1884, a cyclone (tornado) hit the southern part of Newton. The Methodist Church was destroyed. The wind moved the church from its foundation about six feet, the floor remained but all else was blown away. Miraculously, the Bible and the Altar remained in place. A marble topped table and several church pews were salvaged, as was the church bell. These treasures became the symbols of perseverance and dedication to the faith of the congregation in moving forward.
On March 25, 1884, a cyclone (tornado) hit the southern part of Newton. The Methodist Church was destroyed. The wind moved the church from its foundation about six feet, the floor remained but all else was blown away. Miraculously, the Bible and the Altar remained in place. A marble topped table and several church pews were salvaged, as was the church bell. These treasures became the symbols of perseverance and dedication to the faith of the congregation in moving forward.
The second House of Worship for the First Methodist Church of Newton was built of brick in a beautiful Gothic Style (picture to the right) and was located across from Beth Eden Lutheran Church at the corner of Fourth Street and Main Avenue. In 1944, the church had outgrown its current building. Rev. Mark Q. Tuttle led the congregation in making plans for a new sanctuary and Sunday School rooms. A lot was purchased for $9,000.00 at 300 North Main Avenue and the deed recorded on July 27, 1944. The property at that time was called the "Moose" property. Funds were given and earmarked for the proposed building program. On May 9, 1947, tragedy struck once more as fire swept through the main part of the building, leaving the Methodists without a church home for the second time in sixty-three years.

Expanding the vision...
On Sunday morning, June 29, 1971, a groundbreaking ceremony was held on the lawn of the church, site of the proposed educational addition. The new building, to house administrative offices, additional classrooms, and a new Fellowship Hall, plus renovations on the existing building, was to be built.
In 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic shut down, the church leadership decided to move forward with plans to renovate the sanctuary, breezeway, chapel and turn the administrative offices into a Welcome Center. While the beautiful historic building had served the congregation incredibly well over the last 70 years, there were some noticeable limitations when it came to accessibility and functionality. The newly renovated space allows for better accessibility such as a handicap bathroom and increased functionality in areas of technology and audio-visuals - all while bringing the space into the present enabling us to practice unprecedented acts of hospitality and worship Jesus passionately.

Where we are headed...
Where are we headed? Only God knows...that's the real answer, of course, and we all know it. At the same time, we hope and believe that through the Holy Spirit we get glimpses of a trajectory. For First UMC Newton, the future looks filled with hope and anticipation. This church has been one grounded in history and tradition yet the leaders and members are ever aware of the shifting and changing landscape. While the good news of life in Jesus does not change, the means and methods of sharing the gospel do. As we adapt to new challenges, we stand firm to the love of God and neighbor and show that love in concrete ways, especially to the least of these and those on the fringe both of the church and culture for it is them Jesus came to be with.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.